Scavenger Hunt
Thank you for sending your photos in to [email protected] for the website. Here is one of two of our children smiling proudly after a scavenger hunt. Our value of Enjoyment is clear to see!
Thank you for sending your photos in to [email protected] for the website. Here is one of two of our children smiling proudly after a scavenger hunt. Our value of Enjoyment is clear to see!
Today’s activity comes from Mr Wilson: the Great Bug Hunt 2020! The challenge – venture into any outside space and explore and report back what you found, through a project. Run every year by the ASE in partnership with the Royal Entomological Society, the ever popular Great Bug Hunt competition takes science learning out of the primary classroom and brings it to life in the outdoors.
If you find a spider or woodlouse, find out all about it. Draw it, examine it (carefully!), what does it eat, where does it live – maybe even write a story or poem about it, design a poster, shoot a video and then email it over to [email protected] by 12th June.
Win a bundle of bug exploration-related prizes, a digital microscope and a hands-on “Insect Day” for the school.
Please click here for more information.
Today’s activity comes from one of our parents. The CBBC website has ideas on how to create your own birdfeeder.
Click here for instructions on how to create your own birdfeeder – there are three different types.
Next time you watch the birds in your garden, don’t just look at the ones queuing up for the birdfeeders.
Blackbirds feed mainly on the ground. They run and pause, run and pause, run and pause. Each time they stop, they scan the ground for prey. If they see a worm, they search more thoroughly before moving on. This is because worms tend to live in small groups, so if a blackbird has found one another won’t be far away.
As well as feeding on lawns, blackbirds love fallen leaves. They toss leaves away to find small edible creatures underneath. They will even do the same with snow! But how do they know to dig under that particular bit of snow or to look under a certain leaf? They listen, with very sensitive ears.
For more information about birds, click on the image below.
There are a wide range of resources to help you to continue accessing books during lockdown. While many independent bookshops have closed, Amazon and Waterstones are still open online, although delivery may take longer than usual.
Scholastic Learning Zone Library
All children in Key Stage 2 (Year 3-6) have access to the Scholastic Learning Zone Library, with lots of ebooks available both fiction and non-fiction for them to read.
Amazon and Audible
For as long as schools are closed, Amazon have made some their Audible resources for children free. Children everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being children. All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet – just follow this link to start listening.
Amazon have also made a number of Kindle Books available for free download. Click here for more information.
Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl have a wide range of free ebooks on their website suitable for the whole primary age range, as well as a section on Phonics and Maths Games. Take a look here.
British Library
The British Library has a host of activities inspired by well know children’s stories, poems and illustrations. Find out more here.
Coventry City Libraries
If you are a member of Coventry City Libraries, you can access all of their e-books, e-comics and audio books for free using the service provided by Borrow Box. Don’t worry if you haven’t joined up already – you can sign up online for temporary access. You can find more information here.
The Schools Library Service are also running a Virtual Book Club with challenges and ideas to inspire you.
National Literacy Trust
The Book of Hopes: Words and Pictures to Comfort, Inspire and Entertain Children in Lockdown has been released today, which can be read exclusively online at the National Literacy Trust. It’s a collaboration of short stories, poems and illustrations with contributions from over 100 authors and illustrators – it’s well worth a look!
Some publishers have put together activities based on their books, and are releasing audio stories daily. Click on the links below to see what they have on offer for you.
Toppsta is a book review website where you can win a book in exchange for a review, many of which before their publication date. Find out how here.
CBeebies Bedtime Stories
Many of the bedtime stories from CBeebies can be accessed on their YouTube Channel, here.
And don’t forget to:
If you are stuck for ideas about what to read next, you can always ask in your Google Classroom. I’m sure we can come up with some great ideas together!
Happy reading,
Miss Cleveland
A new Letters and Sounds resource has been designed by experts for use by parents, carers and teachers during the Covid-19 period to support the children in learning phonics.
New lessons will be uploaded every week day during the summer term at these times:
10am – Reception – Suitable for children who can blend and read words such as ‘fish’, ‘chat’ and ‘rain’
10:30am – Year 1 – Suitable for children who can confidently blend and read words such as ‘stamp’, ‘chair’ and ‘green’
11am – Learning to Blend – extra blending practise for children in Reception and Year 1
Please click here for more information.
Welcome back to our virtual Summer term! I hope you have had an enjoyable Easter holiday and enjoyed the lovely weather. The Google Classrooms have re-opened this morning and more learning will be set by the teachers on Friday. For today’s website challenge, Living Streets have created a scavenger hunt, which I have uploaded below. You could complete it during your daily walk or even create your own scavenger hunt for inside or outside your home.