Muddy wellies and searching for worms – it’s just a usual lesson in Year 1.
When reading the story Super Worm, it’s only right that we create our own worm world. We went on a very exciting hunt for worms on the field. The children (and Miss French) were overly excited to start digging and grab some worms. Not only did we find lots of wriggly worms, but we also brought them back into the classroom to build our very own worm world. The children worked together to layer soil, sand and of course some food for the worms in the tank.
Year 1 are so excited to check on our new classmates daily and see how they have burrowed through the soil.
Did the excitement stop there? Absolutely not! Each child used their artistic skills to design their very own super worm out of clay, which was then transformed with colourful paints and glitter, because of course Super Worm is no ordinary worm. Year 1 are eager to start some fabulous writing about their worms next week.