School Vision
At Cannon Park Primary School, we encourage excellent and enjoyment by being our best, caring for all, in a safe environment, every day.
CORE Curriculum Drivers

Pupils enjoy the challenge of learning the curriculum. Staff ensure that pupils at Cannon Park learn well. Leaders and staff have worked together to develop an ambitious curriculum.
Ofsted (June 2023)
Teamwork | Together everyone achieves more. We want children to understand the importance of working as part of team. We work in partnership with our community, helping children understand their place in the community. |
Respect | Treating others how you would like to be treated. We want children to respect themselves and others as well as learning to respect the environment. |
Integrity | Doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Doing the right thing is an important message to teach our children. We want them to learn from positive role models throughout the curriculum. |
Enjoyment | Having fun, but not at the expense of others. Our children have told us that they learn best when they are enjoying themselves. Parents have told us that their children come home from school talking about new experiences. We want to ensure our curriculum provides children with these opportunities. |
Discipline | Doing what needs to be done, even when you don’t feel like doing it. Having discipline in learning is essential to progress. We want children to develop discipline across the full curriculum. |
How do our values shine through our curriculum?
Our strong school values are the basis for everything we do. Children receive Value Vouchers for showing our school values throughout the day. Teachers often refer to our values during learning. For example, a table may be praised for their teamwork or a child may be praised for showing discipline in their learning. Every Friday, during our celebration assembly, teachers award certificates for children, who have shown our values during the week.
We also take opportunities throughout our curriculum to teach our values or to show how they are evident in learning. These are highlighted on our year-by-year curriculum overviews:
At Cannon Park, we aim to provide high quality learning experiences for the children. Across the school, we agree on three core elements to learning:

Teachers create bespoke, engaging resources to hook the children into their learning. Links are made to previous learning to ensure that skills and knowledge are connected. New learning is presented in small steps, with children using whiteboards and Learning Partners to practise together. Teachers limit the amount of learning children receive at one time to prevent cognitive overload. Teachers give clear and detailed instructions and explanations. Practices such as My Turn, Your Turn are used to show children how to think aloud and model steps of learning. Children are prepared for independent practice.
From pupil and parent voice, we know that our children learn best when they are engaged. This makes the learning experience memorable and helps it stay in long term memory. Research shows that recaps, explicit teaching, great questioning, and learning broken up into smaller chunks helps with retention of new learning (Rosenshine).
Children lead the learning, involved in active practice through our adaptive teaching approach. Teachers guide children to ensure they are at the right point in learning. During this time, the teacher supports the learning where necessary while assessing the learning. All children have Learning Partners to enable them to support each other in their learning along with model examples. High quality questioning guides children in their learning, with a focus on process rather than outcome, and to check understanding. Children are supported with new vocabulary.
EEF research states that effective collaborative learning gains an additional 5 months of learning. EEF research states that thinking skills gains an additional 8 months of learning.
Children are given time to reflect on their own learning both individually and with Learning Partners, with whom they can explain what they have learned. Teachers use assessment for learning to celebrate success and move the learning on. Teachers provide systematic feedback and correct learning when appropriate following our feedback policy, which has been created based on research from EEF and Sutton Trust. Additional time is spent with children in small groups or 1:1 to reteach material when necessary and to provide further explanations. Adults support children to secure their learning at the earliest opportunity to ensure children Catch Up and Keep Up with the learning.
EEF research states that effective feedback on learning gains an additional 7 months of learning.
Cannon Park Curriculum
During 2022/2023, we are currently reviewing our curriculum to ensure it provides progression in both knowledge and skills as well as including, engaging and inspiring all children.
For information on what is taught in each year group in each subject, please click on the links below:
English | Mathematics | Science |
Computing | History | Geography |
Art & Design | Design and Technology | Music |
Modern Foreign Languages | Religion | PSHE |
EYFS | Physical Education |