Parent/Carer Support

Make your own wind vane

Equipment: pencil with a rubber end, drawing pin (a longer push drawing pin works best), card, straw, scissors, ruler, felt-tips, sticky tape, compass.

How to: cut out a circle of strong card (around 15cm diameter); draw a vertical and horizontal line on the circle, splitting it into quarters; at the end of each line, mark N, S, E and W; cut a small triangle of card and tape it to the end of the straw; attach the middle of the straw to the rubber end of the pencil using a push drawing pin; push the pencil through the centre of the card circle to form your weather vane; place the vane outside (in the ground/a pot of soil) so that N matches North on a compass.

The children could: could explore how the straw moves to show them the direction the wind is coming from; track this over the day/week to see if there are changes and whether this corresponds to other changes in the weather.

Taking it further: children could use a protractor to mark NW, SW etc. on their vanes and track the direction of the wind more accurately; they could research weather forecasts and find out if the predicted wind direction is correct.

Virtual School Games

The Virtual School Games is now focusing on the Olympics with a new exiting TWO WEEK challenge! The children will be able to practise their skills for football, sitting volleyball, athletics and gymnastics. Please find all the relevant information on the attachment.
All results (the total score from all four challenges) must be uploaded by 1pm on Friday 10th July to this link
Good luck Cannon Park – we hope we have lots of you participating!
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Outdoor Art

Good morning, everyone! Today looks like it will be hot and sunny so for today’s activity, try to create an outdoor art creation. You may do this in your garden or possibly at your local park if you go out for a walk. Here are some photos to give you some ideas:

Paper Planes

Good morning, everyone! For today’s activity, let’s make paper planes! This website provides clear instructions of how to build a variety of planes.

Not only are paper planes fun to make but there is also plenty of science involved. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, try to make lots of different designs and see which one flies the furthest. Year 3 and 4, try to find a design which flies in a straight line, focusing on accuracy. Year 5 and 6, research the aerodynamics of a paper plane, which will determine the distance and ease at which it flies. The aerodynamics of the plane will need to have little drag and be light enough to defy gravity. Paper planes also use the forces of lift and thrust.

Make a home for wildlife

Today’s activity comes from the National Trust, who have created a ‘50 activities to do in your back garden‘. If you don’t have a garden, you could still go out and collect items to create your wildlife home at home, before placing it somewhere safe in a local park for wildlife to enjoy.

All sorts of animals need homes, so why not try making a bug hotel, a house for a hedgehog, or even a motel for a mouse? Think about the creature you’re making a home for – does it need to be warm, light, dry, dark, cold, or wet? Don’t despair if animals don’t move in straight away. Many will take time to get used to a new place, so check back each day or week to see if any new friends have moved in.



Today’s challenge is all about tangrams! The tangram is a dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes, called tans, which are put together to form shapes. The objective of the puzzle is to form a specific shape using all seven pieces, which cannot overlap.

Below, I have attached a document with a blank tangram for you to cut out. This document also includes lots of animal outlines for you to try and create using the tans. The solutions are also included so you can check (or sneak a look if you are unsure!). As always, please send any photos in to [email protected]

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