January 2020

Creating Circuits

Year 6 were scientists this afternoon, exploring circuits. Not only did they have to find out what certain symbols represent, they also had to build their own working circuits with different functions. We had plenty of light bulbs, buzzers and children full of enthusiasm for Science!

BBC Radio 2 500 Words Competition

Year 5 really enjoyed watching the BBC 500 Words Live Lesson this morning (especially when they saw, “Hello Year 5 from Cannon Park Primary School in Coventry!” scroll across the screen) which gave a whole host of hints, tips and inspirational ideas to the children on how to write a story in just 500 words. This is an amazing competition that really fires the imagination, and celebrates creativity. Anyone wishing to take part can get some help from Miss Cleveland on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes in the library.

As well attending a spectacular 500 Words Final at Buckingham Palace where superstar celebrities will read the winning stories live on the radio, six amazing illustrators: Tony Ross, Fiona Lumbers, David McKee, Sue Cheung, David Roberts, and Margaret Sturton – will each be set the task of illustrating one the winning stories.

The winners in each age category will also receive:

Gold Winners – Chris Evans’ height in books and 500 books for their school.

Silver Winners – HRH The Duchess of Cornwall’s height in books.

Bronze Winners – Their own height in books.

There is also a BRAND NEW Prize for 2020 and it doesn’t matter how good your story is just that you enter one. One entrant will be selected at random to receive a fabulous book bundle and an invite to the final (for child plus a parent or guardian). They will also win 500 books for their school – so the more pupils a school has that has entered the more chances they have of winning a brand new library.

Information on how to enter can be found by following this link.

World War II

As part of English linked with History, and to get a better understanding of what children of war felt, Year 6 were given pictures to enact. They worked in groups to create a freeze frame and other children had to guess what the scene would be. Fantastic teamwork and enthusiasm, Year 6!


This afternoon, Scott from Coventry Rugby Club joined Year 6. He spent some time reading with the children before leading the class in a rugby session. Scott will be joining the children for the next few weeks – let’s hope the weather improves!

Climate Change

This afternoon, Year 5/6 enjoyed workshops led by students from the University of Warwick with the support of UNICEF. They discussed the challenges of climate change and how it will affect our future. The children enjoyed completing a variety of activities and engaged well in the sessions.

Coventry Inspiration Book Awards 2020


We’ve looked at all of the books for our age groups. Now it’s time to get voting to save your favourites before they get knocked out. The first eviction will be on Monday 20 January and subsequently, one book will be knocked out each week in each category until we reach the winners!

Vote Here!

I know who I’ll be voting for…

Geography Enthusiasts

As Geographers, Year 6 had a great afternoon learning about the different areas of the UK that became evacuation locations for children of WW2. They were tasked with picking suitcase tags, similar to what children were given in the war, and they had to find the particular counties using an atlas. Well done Year 6 for showing great enthusiasm and enjoyment with our new topic.

Magic Magnets

Year 3 had an exciting afternoon using magnets. They discovered how they could make a paper clip hover in the air using a piece of string and a magnet. We had some very excited children amazed by science!

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