January 2020

Colour Theory

Year 6 were Artists this afternoon, discovering the theory of colours in particular looking at warm and cold colours. They created their own portraits and used oil pastels to highlight the difference between the colours. Well done Year 6 for showing great enthusiasm for art and producing some fantastic pieces of work!

Celebration Assembly

It’s fantastic to see so many of our children using our school values in and out of school. Congratulations to all of our Stars of the Week and pupils receiving their Bronze Certificate. And, a special mention to both football teams, who played exceptionally well this week, and showed fantastic sportsmanship. Our school community are really proud of you all.

Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline

Young Carers Day

Today, Rhupinder from Young Carers led a whole school assembly in aid of Young Carers Awareness Day to raise awareness of the challenges faced by young carers and campaigns for greater support for them. The children shared their views by answering different questions and they listened well to the personal experiences of children who are young carers in Coventry. More information will be sent home. If you believe your child may be a Young Carer, please make an appointment with either Mr Ray or Mrs Smith.

UNICEF Workshop

This afternoon, Year 3 were visited by Warwick University students on behalf of UNICEF.  We had a workshop delivered on Nutrition and the importance of a healthy and varied diet. Furthermore, they spoke about the work they do to support those children, who are in need in less developed countries around the world. They also informed us about how we can get involved by doing simple things within our local community. Finally we created group posters on what we had learnt from the session.


This afternoon, Year 1 had a very interesting science lesson. We talked about what animals eat and how we can group them into herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. We talked about how if we looked at the poo of different animals, we might be to see what they eat. That is exactly what some archaeologists do to help us understand what people ate in the past. We investigated ‘pretend poo’, which helped us to decide if it had been left by a herbivore, carnivore or omnivore.

Shadow Puppets

Year 3 were Scientists this afternoon, learning about light and how shadows are formed. The children made some very interesting shadow puppets with their hands using a torch and card. They took some fantastic pictures with their IPads too!

Celebration Assembly

It’s fantastic to see so many of our children using our school values in and out of school. Congratulations to all of our Stars of the Week and pupils receiving their Bronze Certificate. All of the children who have earned their Bronze Certificates enjoyed their extra Play with Mr Ray yesterday!

Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline

Amazing Writers

Year 1 have been using the story ‘Supertato’ to help them with their writing. The Evil Pea escaped last week and the children went on a journey to find him, which helped them understand verbs. They didn’t manage to find him, but when they came into school this morning, they discovered their friend Supertato had caught him over the weekend! The children were very excited and they all wrote some super sentences about what had happened.

Robin Hood

The whole school had a wonderful time watching Robin Hood this morning.

“Oh no you didn’t!”

“Oh yes we did!”

Singing, dancing, lots of laughs and joining in. Thank you very much for organising such a great end to the week Miss Ashby.

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