Celebration Assembly
Congratulations to all of our Stars of the Week and award winners who have been working hard in and out of school this week.
Well done to everyone who cycled to school everyday, even through the wind and rain, this week for Bike to School Week.
And finally, huge congratulations to our Girls Football Team for winning their first ever match; 7-0!
Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline
Match of the Day
Cannon Park Girls beat Newdigate Primary in their first match of the season. The girls stuck to their formation well and showed a calmness on the ball and a keen eye for a pass. Their tenacity in the tackle led to many shooting opportunities and the scoreline ended an emphatic 7-0. All the girls represented Cannon Park proudly, showing all of our values. This photo was taken before the match. If you think they look happy here, you should’ve seen their smiles after the game! The team really enjoyed the match and it was played in an excellent spirit.
Celebration Assembly
Congratulations to all of the children who have been working hard, and displaying our values in and out of school this week, and to Miss Roberts for passing her Driving Test!
Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline
Year 5’s trip to the stars
Year 5 had a visit this week from The Black Hole Planetarium. Everyone stepped into the darkness, inside the huge dome, to explore the wonders of space. We learnt all about the planets and stars and saw the constellations as they appear in the night sky. It was a wonderful experience, which the children won’t forget.
Location Location Location
This afternoon, Year 6 learned all about physical and human geography. Using Google Maps, we looked at the geography around Cannon Park and compared it to two others schools: one in Cornwall and one in the Lake District. We thought about how the lives of those children might be different and similar from ours based on the geography.
Welcome to Year 1
Year 1 have enjoyed a busy couple of weeks settling into their new learning environment. They have constructed, created, investigated and even met our new school chicks! They have shown all the school values and we are very proud of them.
Heartwarming Haikus
Year 5 have really enjoyed thinking carefully about descriptive language and word choice to create Haiku poems about our school chicks and stick insects this week.
Animals in Hand
Mo from Animal in Hands visited Year 3 on Wednesday to launch our new topic – Predators. The children saw and handled an Australian carpet python called Jamal, a tarantula called Boris, a bull frog named Shrek and many other really exciting animals.