Cannon Park Superheroes

Year 1 have had an amazing time evaluating their superhero capes today! They investigated different ways they could attach the ribbon to their capes so they could wear them. They showed all the school values, especially enjoyment.


Odd Socks Day

Everyone was sporting odd socks as part of Anti-Bullying Week today. Most importantly, Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!

Remembrance Day

Year 6 started their afternoon throwing paper balls around the room before being stopped and told that each paper ball represented one millions lives lost in war. We talked about the significance of the poppy before creating our own Remembrance Day pieces of artwork.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of the children who have been working hard, and displaying our values in and out of school this week.


Election Launch

Thursday saw the launch of the Cannon Park election during assembly. Each party leader shared the name of their party, their three values and their key election message to the whole school. The parties are busy writing their manifestos as well as creating persuasive presentations and campaign posters. Our election will be held in three weeks. The children are really enjoying learning all about democracy, which is one of our British Values.

Remembrance Sunday

In Year 3 , this afternoon we have been learning about Remembrance Sunday. We thought about the importance as well as the significance of the poppy. We then spoke about the how the poppy was the only flower to grow on the battlefields after World War I. A number of children spoke about how their family members were in the war.
After this, we made our own poppies.

Cannon Park Election

As the nation prepares for a General Election, Cannon Park will be experiencing their own election to learn about the British Value of democracy.

This week, Year 6 have formed five political parties, nominated party leaders and come up with party values as well as their key election message. Over the next few weeks, the parties will try to persuade the children on Cannon Park to vote ahead of our very own Cannon Park election in December.

The key messages the parties are campaigning on are: the environment; use of technology; equipment in school; developing academically; being outdoors. It is sure to be a close election!


Year 1 had an amazing wow day to launch our superhero topic. We made super tasty porridge fingers, designed our own superhero capes and learnt how real life heroes help us too.  We showed all of our school values, especially ‘enjoyment’!

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