Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy is a new collection of high-quality lessons and online resources. Backed by the Government, it has been created in response to the coronavirus lockdown.
Their online classroom offers free access to great teachers, delivering video lessons, quizzes and worksheets. Available for both primary and secondary levels, it covers a range of subjects. All of the lessons are ordered so your child can learn along a clear plan. They will provide new lessons and resources each week.
For more information, click on the image below:
BBC Bitesize
Although we’re still on our Easter holidays, most of the country were supposed to be going back to school today. To support home learning, the BBC have developed daily lessons to support all year groups. Lessons can be accessed online or through the red button on your TV. Click on the image for more information:
Good morning everyone! For my last post before the Easter holidays, I’d like to encourage one thing – reading!
As a school, we are part of the Coventry Schools Library Service. They have been working hard to support home learning by putting together a virtual Reading Club for all Coventry children to be able to access. The virtual reading club gives children an opportunity to submit book reviews and take part in mini challenges. They will have a rolling program of mini challenges over the next couple of months to keep it fresh. The first 2 are a mini Easter Reading challenge where the children are asked to read and review 3 books and also an illustration challenge where children can create their own book character and submit it to win a prize. It also has downloads to support parents in encouraging reading for pleasure at home, links to free reading resources and a Book doctor (where you can contact our specialist librarians for advice on what to read next).
You can find all of this linked from our home page www.coventry.gov.uk/sls
Or follow this link to the specific page www.coventry.gov.uk/slsreadingclub
Home Learning
Thank you so much to all of you who have sent in photos of your learning to the website email address. It is lovely to see how you are engaging with your learning. Here are a couple more photos:
Today is definitely a day to enjoy the sunshine if you can. Yesterday, I posted a sun dial activity – this would be perfect for today!
If you’d like to share some of your learning on the website, please send photos to [email protected]
Marble Run
For today’s activity, you might need to save up a few bits and pieces from the recycling box. Keep an eye out for any kitchen roll cardboard, toilet roll cardboard and cereal boxes and save them to make your very own MARBLE RUN! This is one of my favourite things to make and I’ve done it with different year groups over the years. It will definitely use all of your Design and Technology skills and it is a great activity to do in a team so work with your brothers and sisters.
First, you might want to research different ideas about how to make your own marble run to find out what equipment to use. Draw out your design in your exercise book including labels and a description. If you are feeling particularly creative, you may wish to give your marble run a theme! After you have built your marble run (and you might need to start again a few times to make it work) make sure you evaluate your design. Does it work? What makes it so good? Is there anything that could be improved? As always, any photos, please email through to [email protected]