Parent/Carer Support

Critical Worker Form

Dear Parents and Carers,

If you believe to be a ‘Critical Worker’ would you please complete the form below and return today at 12 pm. Paper copies will be available at the school office if you would like to complete one this morning.

Please remember

‘that the fewer the children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society.’  GOV.UK 20th March 2020

Kind regards,

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Easter Bonets

Thank you for all of the wonderful Easter bonnets; they were beautiful. Here are the winning bonnets, which will be in Hobbycraft (Central Six) next week. The winning bonnets were made by: Cohen, Trinity, Joel, Isaac and Gabby. Please vote for your favourites in store.

World Book Day

Happy World Book Day! Dressed in their pyjamas, the children are enjoying sharing their books today. We have some wonderful cakes to celebrate the day too – they will be cut up and on sale at 3.15 this afternoon.

We look forward to welcoming parents and carers to our Big Read at 2.55pm today! Please enter the gates onto the playground by Year 1 and 2.

We Love Food!

Today, we had a ‘Fairy Tale Menu’ today celebrate Valentines Day. The children enjoyed Pizza Pinwheels, Mac and Cheese, Curly Fries and Ice Cream. Thank you to our wonderful staff from Aspens.

Young Carers Day

Today, Rhupinder from Young Carers led a whole school assembly in aid of Young Carers Awareness Day to raise awareness of the challenges faced by young carers and campaigns for greater support for them. The children shared their views by answering different questions and they listened well to the personal experiences of children who are young carers in Coventry. More information will be sent home. If you believe your child may be a Young Carer, please make an appointment with either Mr Ray or Mrs Smith.

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