WWI Key Figures

This afternoon, as part of our commemoration of 100 years since the end of World War I, Year 6 have been learning all about key figures from the Great War. Using the Chromebooks, they worked in small groups to work on the same document in creating an information page using their research.

Mock Trial

This week, year 6 had a special visit from Coventry Magistrates Court. They learnt all about crime and punishment and what happens in the court. The children found it both fun and informative. A particular highlight was the trial re-enactment, in which the students took on roles within the court, including jury members, witnesses and legal advisors. It appears we have several budding actors in our midst!


Fire Safety

Year 4 have been learning all about Fire Safety with our special visitors from Canley Fire Station. Their top tips were:
1. Make sure you have a working smoke alarm at home.
2. If there is a fire, Get Out, Stay Out, Call The Fire Brigade Out.


Year 1 learnt all about Diwali today. We talked about the festival of light and why diva lamps are lit. We had great fun using our creative skills to make our own diva lamps and we are looking forward to decorating them later in the week when the clay has dried.

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Remembrance Day

Ahead of Remembrance Sunday, Year 3 walked into a their classroom and had a ‘snowball fight’ with paper. Afterwards, they unfurled each piece of paper to see that each one represented 1000 lives during WWI. We then read In Flanders Fields before doing some independent writing inspired by some WWI photographs.


Demonstrating Our Values

Well done to the children, who have been recognised for demonstrating our values this week. Discipline was a popular value this week.

Yesterday saw many children enjoying the Autumn weather learning outdoors; today looks like it’ll be just as bright!


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