Success at Schneider Electric

Year 2 & 6 visited Schneider Electric this week for an engineering competition. The children had to compete in a variety of vehicle-based challenges including ramp climbs, distance events and interviews discussing their designs with real life engineers. A Year 6 team from Cannon Park won the Best Engineer award and Year 2 were awarded a runner up prize. Despite the rain, a fantastic day of learning was enjoyed by all.


Primary Maths Team Challenge

A group of Year 6 children spent the day at the University of Warwick taking part in the UKMT Primary Maths Challenge. Many scores across Coventry and Warwickshire competed in teams of four completing various challenges, which tested their teamwork and communication skills as well as their mathematical knowledge. The children from Cannon Park did exceptionally well, sharing ideas, demonstrating their impressive mathematical abilities and supporting each other. Although they didn’t win the competition, they did win the Teamwork Award. Well done to everyone involved!

Sew much fun!

Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed designing, making and testing purses this half-term. We’ve learned how to:

  • thread a needle,
  • tie knots,
  • sew on buttons,
  • over stitch,
  • running stitch, and
  • blanket stitch.

These are our creations…

We’re Internet Legends!

Year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 had a special assembly from Parent Zone, where the children travelled to Interland and learned how to be Google Internet Legends:

  • Be Internet Sharp:
    • think before sharing,
    • evaluate whether a piece of information is private or not,
    • and think who will be able to see what is shared.
  • Be Internet Alert:
    • if an offer is too good to be true, is it a phishing scam?
    • think what is real and what is fake,
    • and think critically about information found online, is is true and is it from a trusted website?
  • Be Internet Secure:
    • keep personal information safe by creating unique passwords, combining characters, numbers and symbols.
  • Be Internet Kind:
    • spread positivity online,
    • speak up against and report bullying,
    • identify inappropriate behaviour.
  • Be Internet Brave:
    • when witnessing something inappropriate online, speak to a trusted adult about any concerns.

Primary Engineers

After working incredibly hard with their SATs last week, Year 6 have had the chance to get creative with a design and technology project this week. Equipped with wood and saws, they have started to (safely!) build their own cars, with the help of engineers from Schneider Technology. The students have relished the opportunity to try something new and are looking forward to the upcoming Primary Engineer celebration event, where the cars will be judged by a panel. Good luck to all!

Positive Thinking

This morning, Year 6 have been learning about the power of positive thinking. We discussed motivational posters and created some of our own. Hopefully they’ll help us in the future as we face new challenges.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of our award winners for your hard work in and out of school. It’s great to see so many of you continually using our school values of:

* Trust * Respect * Integrity * Enjoyment * Discipline *

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