Maths at home

Today I would like to share one of my favourite teaching resources. NRICH.

NRICH is an innovative collaboration between the Faculties of Mathematics and Education at the University of Cambridge, part of the University’s Millennium Mathematics Project.

NRICH provides thousands of free online mathematics resources for ages 3 to 18, covering all stages of early years, primary and secondary school education – completely free and available to all.


  • Enrich and enhance the experience of the mathematics curriculum for all learners
  • Develop mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Offer challenging, inspiring and engaging activities
  • Show rich mathematics in meaningful contexts
  • Work in partnership with teachers, schools and other educational settings to share expertise

Maths at home

Whether you are a parent, a carer, a teacher, or have multiple ‘hats’, you will find that our latest Primary and Secondary Features contain a wealth of resources to support learners working mathematically at home. Each feature contains age-appropriate activities which have been grouped in the following ways:

  • Just Jottings – to have a go at these activities, you need nothing more than pencil and paper. This is a great opportunity to encourage learners to think about different ways of representing their ideas and recording their findings. When doing mathematics, there is often a phase of ‘messy maths’ while working on a problem; the neatly written solutions that appear in maths textbooks only emerge after lots of scribbling, doodling and jotting!
  • Interactive Games and Puzzles – these activities all include an online interactive environment, where learners can explore and play, in order to test out ideas and make discoveries. (You can read more about using interactivities to promote curiosity in our article.)
  • Maths to Take Your Time Over – these activities are worth exploring over a few days or even a few weeks. Many of them are ‘low threshold high ceiling’, meaning they are easy to get started on, and they can be extended so may keep someone absorbed for a long time! Learners can keep coming back to the same activity, mulling ideas over in between periods of focused thinking, and recording their ideas and findings, whether independently or with support from you. Some low threshold high ceiling activities are appropriate over a range of ages so could be explored by several members of the family together.
  • Print It Out – to get the most out of these activities, you need access to a printer (black and white copies are usually fine).

In addition, the Primary Feature includes:

  • Homemade Maths – these activities need some everyday bits and pieces. Anything will do! You can use buttons, scraps of paper or even sweets as counters. Create your own digit cards from paper or card, and use Lego bricks instead of Multilink (interlocking cubes). If you have a printer you can print off number grids, circle templates, dotty grids, dominoes etc. from the printables page.

Kitchen Roll Art

Good morning, everyone! Seeing the fantastic art you’ve all been doing recently with Miss Ashby’s art week made me think about how you all enjoy art. Art can sometimes need lots of resources so for today’s activity, I’ve found some ideas using something most of you might find in the kitchen – kitchen roll! Have a look at the photos below for inspiration for creating your own masterpieces using kitchen roll. As always, feel free to send any photos to [email protected]

Mental Health Awareness Week

Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Awareness Week will take place from Monday 18th to Sunday 24th May 2020.

The theme for 2020 is ‘kindness’.

Mental Health Awareness Week is the UK’s national week to raise awareness of mental health and mental health problems and inspire action to promote the message of good mental health for all.

Mental Health Awareness Week has been run by the Mental Health Foundation since 2001.

Virtual School Games Update

Well done to everyone who joined in with Week 1 of the Virtual School Games. The focus this week is cricket. There are two activities to try out – the attachment has the instructions for KS1 and KS2. Don’t forget to enter your data by 1pm on Friday 22nd May via this link –
Don’t forget there are prizes up for grabs for participants! Good luck Team Cannon Park!
Mrs Amphlett
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Bear Grylls Challenge

Survival expert Bear Grylls has introduced a new initiative called ‘The Great Indoors’ – a collection of 100 activities designed to encourage children to try new challenges and learn new skills at home.

The world-renowned adventurer and chief Scout has teamed up with the Scouts UK to launch ‘The Great Indoors’ initiative, a collection of more than 100 activities that children (and adults) can do to tackle boredom and stave off cabin fever. The activities range from boosting communication skills to problem-solving and include challenges such as creating a “storm in a teacup”, designing monster bookmarks and lollipop catapults, becoming a “black-out poet”, making hot air balloons, learning code, practising digital camera skills and much more. And it doesn’t matter where in the world you are, anyone can join in.

For more information, please click on this image:

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