Great first day back

The children in Year 6 Group 2, had a fantastic first day back at school. As Mathematicians, they had fun doing 2 metre maths which helped demonstrate the safe distance they need to keep. They created some amazing posters highlighting the different ways in which we can keep safe in school. The children also had the opportunity to choose their new reading books and it was amazing how many of them wanted some time to read independently. In the afternoon, the children used watercolours to create rainbow landscapes. Well done Year 6 for showing all of our school values today, we are very proud of you all!





Paper Planes

Good morning, everyone! For today’s activity, let’s make paper planes! This website provides clear instructions of how to build a variety of planes.

Not only are paper planes fun to make but there is also plenty of science involved. Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, try to make lots of different designs and see which one flies the furthest. Year 3 and 4, try to find a design which flies in a straight line, focusing on accuracy. Year 5 and 6, research the aerodynamics of a paper plane, which will determine the distance and ease at which it flies. The aerodynamics of the plane will need to have little drag and be light enough to defy gravity. Paper planes also use the forces of lift and thrust.

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