Author name: Miss Cleveland

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of our pupils who have been working hard inside and out of school, demonstrating all of our school values.

Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of our pupils who have been working hard inside and out of school, demonstrating our school values.

And, it has been wonderful hearing what fabulous ambassadors for Cannon Park our Year 6 pupils have been at Dol-y-Moch. Well done for giving your all!

Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of our pupils who have been working hard inside and out of school, demonstrating our school values.


Well done to School Council and Year 4 for leading our wonderful Harvest Celebration. It takes a lot of hard work to create an assembly, so thank you very much, we really enjoyed it.

And finally, thank you to everyone who donated to our harvest collection for Coventry Foodbank.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of our Stars of the Week and award winners who have been working hard in and out of school this week.

Well done to everyone who cycled to school everyday, even through the wind and rain, this week for Bike to School Week.

And finally, huge congratulations to our Girls Football Team for winning their first ever match; 7-0!

Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of the children who have been working hard, and displaying our values in and out of school this week, and to Miss Roberts for passing her Driving Test!

Teamwork ♦ Respect ♦ Integrity ♦ Enjoyment ♦ Discipline


Year 5’s trip to the stars

Year 5 had a visit this week from The Black Hole Planetarium. Everyone stepped into the darkness, inside the huge dome, to explore the wonders of space. We learnt all about the planets and stars and saw the constellations as they appear in the night sky. It was a wonderful experience, which the children won’t forget.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to our first  Stars Of The Week and award winners this school year!

And, well done to all of the children who completed the Space Race Reading Challenge run by Coventry Libraries over the summer holidays.


Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to all of our prize winners this week.

It’s wonderful to see the first Gold Certificate awarded for demonstrating all of our School Values.

Trust • Respect • Integrity • Enjoyment • Discipline

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