Armistice Runner by Tom Palmer

This week’s book recommendation links to Remembrance Sunday, and is suitable for children in Year 4 up…

Lily is a fell runner and is training for the first big race of the season in the Lake District village where her grandparents live. She discovers from her grandmother (who has Alzheimer’s disease) that her great-great grandfather was a trench runner during the last few days of  World War I. Given a box of his things, Lily becomes enthralled with his trench running logs which contain far more information than times and distances – it’s a diary of his time in France.

Full of family, endurance, determination and heart, this is a well researched reminder of the lives of the men in the trenches that we remember this Sunday, and how we can honour their memory through our actions today. Kindness and empathy echo throughout the story that you are sure to be as determined to finish as Lily was to read Ernest’s diary entries.


Our amazing circulatory system

This term in year 6, we are exploring what a journey through our human body would look like. As scientists, the children started by examing the human circulatory system. They found out key facts and used an interactive website to see how the system carries blood around the body. We even made our own model heart pumps!  Well done year 6 for a great start to our new topic.



For Art week, Year 6 investigated sculptures. They looked at what sculptures are and researched facts of key sculptures in Coventry.

After a great sketching lesson, the children began making their own dinosaur sculptures (linking into our topic this term) out of clay. We have fantastic Tyrannosaurus Rex, Brachiosaurus and Triceratops models in our classroom!

This afternoon, the children used gouache paints to create sunset backgrounds for their sculptures. Well done Year 6 for showing great enjoyment for Art.




Curriculum Displays

This term, we have re-launched our reviewed and updated curriculum to ensure we are offering a broad and balanced curriculum, which includes, engages and inspires all children. The children have been working so well and we decided to showcase the learning in the hall. As we are currently unable to invite parents into school, take a look at the fantastic displays below:

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