At Cannon Park Primary School, we are lucky to have a kind, caring, knowledgeable and experienced learning mentor: Mrs Smith. Learning mentors work with children and young people on a group or one-to-one basis. They provide support, motivation and guidance to help pupils overcome obstacles to their learning. These could include learning difficulties, family issues, mental health problems or a lack of confidence.

Mental Health
Taking a coordinated and evidence-informed approach to mental health and wellbeing in schools leads to improved pupil and student emotional health and wellbeing which can help readiness to learn. At Cannon Park, we are committed to the wellbeing of all staff and pupils. In response to the government’s latest recommendations to develop a whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing; in December 2022, Mrs Smith successfully completed training to become our designated senior lead for mental health. Mrs Smith champions our commitment to delivering excellent outcomes in whole school mental health and wellbeing.
Support for Children
During the mornings, Mrs Smith takes a targeted approach, working with children either on a one-to-one basis or in small groups. These children may be in need of additional academic or wellbeing support; they may be eligible for income-based free school meals and so qualify for pupil premium funding to school; they may be going through an unsettled time outside of school and would benefit from extra support in school.
During the afternoons, Mrs Smith takes a wider approach to include more children. Chat Clubs are timetabled for children in Years 3 to 6. Some children with various needs may be prioritised for Chat Club, however, every child in Key Stage 2 will have the opportunity to join a Chat Club at some point this year. We find that they enable children to freely talk while doing art based activities or games, focusing on a different issues, ranging from friendships to mental health, from attendance to bereavement.
For our younger children, Mrs Smith works in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 each week to build and maintain positive relationships with children and to identify any children who may need a little extra support.
At lunchtime, Mrs Smith is available to children for the whole hour outside. This enables children to approach her with any worries or just to have a chat.
Wellbeing Room
Next to the library, you will find Mrs Smith in the Wellbeing Room. This is a calming space in the school, filling with is sensory with a calming atmosphere and children enjoy coming into this room.
Family Support
This year has seen the introduction of our termly Tea and Coffee Mornings. This is an opportunity for parents to pop into school and socialise with others. Mrs Smith is always present during these mornings, and she is joined by other senior members of staff.
Our school is a community and this includes the whole family. Please get in touch with Mrs Smith should you need any support.