Rise is a family of NHS-led services providing emotional wellbeing and mental health services for children and young people in Coventry and Warwickshire. Rise aims to build resilience and empower children and young people (as well as the adults in their lives) to know where to go for help and advice. It’s made up of a number of different services, each led by mental health specialists.
An overview of Rise Services:
Dimensions | Mental Health in Schools Teams |
Primary Mental Health Services | Targeted Emotional & Mental Health Support |
Looked after Children Services | Youth Justice Services |
Eating Disorders | Core Specialist Mental Health |
Neurodevelopmental Service | Crisis & Home Treatment |
For more information:

The Dimensions Tool is a free online tool providing personalised information to support a person’s well-being and mental health. You can rate yourself or another person against a number of dimensions related to health and wellbeing. The tool creates a Dimensions report which provides information about self-care, local services and support.

If you believe that you or the person you are rating is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk, please call or text 999. If you need urgent advice call NHS 111 or speak to your GP.