Parent/Carer Support
See you soon…
School reopens to Years 1 – 6 on Tuesday 6th September. If your child is starting in Reception this year, please refer to your letter with your transition schedule.
We look forward to seeing you all back in school soon – enjoy your final week of the holidays!
Parent Courses
Primary Mental Health Team have recommended these courses for parents. There are many courses on the list and by clicking on the course, more information becomes available about the course and its aims.
Platinum Jubilee
To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, every child has created a commemorative plate. Six finalists have been selected from each class to be on display at Cannon Park Shopping Centre. Please do go to the shops and have a look at the fantastic display. One winner from each class has been selected and their plate has been made into a real plate – winners will be announced during Friday’s assembly.
Chinese New Year
To celebrate Chinese New Year, all children have been writing about tigers and creating a piece of matching artwork. Two finalists were selected from each class to have their learning displayed at Cannon Park Shopping Centre.
Today, the children walked up to the shops to see their writing and art on display. There were many proud faces as the children pointed out their learning. These 14 finalists will enjoy an afternoon of art with a local artist later in the term.