Parent/Carer Support

World Ocean Day



World Ocean Day for Schools is a free digital platform that curates the most engaging and thought provoking ocean related learning resources for educators. This platform is designed to act as a catalyst to a richer connection with the ocean in a way that complements existing school curriculum. These explorations into all of our water systems culminate with a global celebration in June in conjunction with World Ocean Day every year.

For more information and access to free resources, which are organised by age and time, click on the image below:

Dance Challenge

Well done to everyone who joined in with Week 3 of the Virtual School Games. The focus this week is ‘Dance’. There are three challenges to try out – the attachment has the instructions for KS1 and KS2.
Please note that this challenge involves submitting a video of your child/ren performing a dance they have choreographed. Parental permission must be given to upload the video. 
Don’t forget to enter your data by 1pm on Friday 12th June via this link –

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Logic Puzzles

Good morning, everyone! For today’s activity, I’ve been inspired by our Year 6 children. A few weeks ago, they were solving logic puzzles so I thought I’d share one with you all today.

 A hunter has a lion, goat and carrot and he wants to cross the river taking all three along. There is a boat that can fit him plus either the lion, the goat, or the carrot. He is confused because if the lion and the goat are alone on one shore, the lion will eat the goat. If the goat and the carrot are alone on the shore, the goat will eat the carrot. Help the hunter by finding a way to bring all the three things to the other side of the river.

Clue – the hunter will have to make lots of trips back and forth across the river. You might find it easier to draw a diagram.

If you think you can solve it, or you have a puzzle of your own, please email [email protected]

Good luck!



Good morning, everyone! I’ve spent quite a bit of time creating animations using Scratch with Year 3 this year. You can also create an animation without a computer by using only paper and a pencil. If you have post-it notes, they will work even better, but you can use paper as well. Watch the video below to learn how to create your very own paper animation:


Well done to everyone who joined in with Week 2 of the Virtual School Games. The focus this week is tennis. There are two activities to try out – the attachment has the instructions for KS1 and KS2. Don’t forget to enter your data by 1pm on Friday 5th June via this link.

Mrs Amphlett

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Online Safety

With children spending more time online at the moment, it is more important than ever to ensure they are safe online. The link below takes you to a website called ‘Thinkuknow’, where there are lots of age specific 15 minute lessons to do with your child. The aim is for parents/carers to do them with the child, talking them through together. For more information, please click on the image below:

Want to be an artist?

Calling all budding artists! J.K. Rowling is inviting you to help illustrate The Ickabog for her. Every day when chapters of the story are uploaded, she will be making suggestions for what you might like to draw or paint to illustrate the story as it goes along. You should let your imagination run wild!

The best bit is, if you are between seven and twelve years old, your parent or guardian on your behalf can enter your drawings or paintings into the official competition being run by J.K. Rowling’s publishers, for a once in a lifetime chance to be featured in The Ickabog book, which is published in November.

For more information, click on the image below:

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