New Tablets!
Year 1 showed lots of enjoyment this morning, as the first to try out our brand new tablets. We used an app called “Hairy Letters”, this helped to practice our letter formation. A big thumbs up from us!
Year 1 showed lots of enjoyment this morning, as the first to try out our brand new tablets. We used an app called “Hairy Letters”, this helped to practice our letter formation. A big thumbs up from us!
As an end to our maths topic on money, Year 3 have become shopkeepers and customers this morning! This was a great, fun way to revisit what we have learnt about money and giving change earlier this week. Children have all had a fantastic lesson!
Year 4 had a great time investigating different printing methods in art. We used polystyrene tiles and plastic acetate to print onto paper. Later this week we will be creating our own greetings cards.
Year 3 have had a fantastic afternoon as scientists, we have been learning all about fossils! First, children discovered the process of how a fossil is formed. Next, we made our own fossils using bread as the ground and soil layers and sweets to represent the animal remains. We applied pressure to our layers of sediment using dictionaries. Children are very excited to become Palaeontologists and dig up their fossils in our next lesson!