Friends of Cannon Park
All children will be invited to wear their own clothes on Friday 30th November. Friends of Cannon Park are asking for donations of bottles, chocolate of £1. All donations will go towards our Christmas Fete, which is on Thursday 6th December. Ho ho ho!
Children in Need
What a day! Everyone looked amazing in their bright colours today – special mention to Mr Kelley for that shirt! Thanks to the generosity of our parents and families, the bring-n-buy sale was a great success! Our School Council, led did a brilliant job in organising the event. Be prepared for some creative Christmas gifts from the children this year.
100 Years Ago…
As part of our whole school WWI project, Year 3 have been learning about what life was like in 1918. We used the following questions to guide our reseach:
What was school like?
How did people travel?
How did children help the war effort?
Value Certificates
Congratulations to our Value Certificate winners this week for demonstrating our Cannon Park Values to others. Enjoyment was mentioned time and again during assembly and we’re sure we’ll see lots of enjoyment during our Children In Need activities today.
WWI Key Figures
This afternoon, as part of our commemoration of 100 years since the end of World War I, Year 6 have been learning all about key figures from the Great War. Using the Chromebooks, they worked in small groups to work on the same document in creating an information page using their research.
Mock Trial
This week, year 6 had a special visit from Coventry Magistrates Court. They learnt all about crime and punishment and what happens in the court. The children found it both fun and informative. A particular highlight was the trial re-enactment, in which the students took on roles within the court, including jury members, witnesses and legal advisors. It appears we have several budding actors in our midst!
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas…
Friends of Cannon Park would like to share two Christmas events coming soon:
Value Certificates
Well done to this week’s certificate winners for showing our Cannon Park Values. You are role models for others.