Author name: Cannon Park

Bright Stars Digital Monthly Challenge

Warwick University are launching a monthly challenge aimed at primary school children in Key Stage 2. The project will take place between February and July 2021 and is designed and delivered by four Undergraduate Warwick Students.

What is the Digital Monthly Challenge and why take part?

The University of Warwick believes in supporting every child to access higher education and the monthly challenge aims at bringing the campus and their students to you digitally.

The students have designed an online set of activities for children to discover at home. They can learn more about their campus, what a university is and what it is like to be a student. These will be published here at the end of each month.

Who is it for?

The activities and resources are available for anyone in Years 3 to 6 (Key Stage 2).

How does it work?

The children can complete the activities at home on their own or with the help of their parent.  To access the activities, just click on the link below to find out about this month’s topic and hear from the students. There will be downloadable activities and you can submit your work once you are ready. Our students will then send you a completion certificate and a short video feedback.

The project is entirely digital and can be done from home or school on a computer. It is asynchronous so the children get to meet our students indirectly via videos and blogs. . Challenges will be released in the first week of each month, February’s is now released and can be found  here.

There is no eligibility criteria, any student in KS2 is welcome to sign up.

For more information, click here:

Go Parks Active Challenge

The Go Parks Active Challenge is a competition. Each time you visit a local park, you’ll need to find and scan the QR code and register our school to show that you have been active. Every time you register you visit, our school will win 10 points. You can only register once each day. The schools with the highest participation will win money to be spent on sports equipment. At Cannon Park, we would spend any prize-winning money on new equipment for you to use at playtimes and lunchtimes.

School Closure

Following the announcement from the Prime Minister, Cannon Park Primary School will be closed to all children on Tuesday 5th January.

Tomorrow, school will contact parents of vulnerable children as well as critical workers to arrange in-school provision, which will commence on Wednesday 6th January.

Remote Learning will start on Tuesday 5th January for all children. Reception will be able to access Remote Learning through Tapestry and Years 1-6 will use Google Classroom. More information will be sent home tomorrow, including all relevant log-in information.

Thank you for your continued support.

School Games Values

Well done to Year 2 who have won a School Games Values award for their determination and teamwork. They really are a wonderful team of children and are always so supportive of each other. What a lovely way to finish the term. Well done Year 2, we are all so proud of you, and well done to Mrs Amphlett!

Carols Around the Tree

December would usually see the hall full of children, staff and parents, enjoying a Christmas musical extravaganza in the shape of our annual concert, Carols Around the Tree. Unfortunately, we are unable to gather together this Christmas but that didn’t stop Miss Ashby! She has worked tirelessly to coordinate the staff and children to create a virtual Carols Around the Tree. Please click on Christmas Tree below to enjoy the show.


Pizza Pizza

As part of their Design and Technology project, Year 4 have been busy making their own pizzas this week. They enjoyed eating them during their Christmas party. Well done, Year 4!

Christmas Dinner

Today, the children enjoyed their Christmas Dinner, cooked and served by our fantastic Aspens staff. We had a record number of children signed up to Christmas Dinner today and the food went down extremely well as always. Thank you!