November 16, 2018

Children in Need

What a day! Everyone looked amazing in their bright colours today – special mention to Mr Kelley for that shirt! Thanks to the generosity of our parents and families, the bring-n-buy sale was a great success! Our School Council, led did a brilliant job in organising the event. Be prepared for some creative Christmas gifts from the children this year.

100 Years Ago…

As part of our whole school WWI project, Year 3 have been learning about what life was like in 1918. We used the following questions to guide our reseach:

What was school like?

How did people travel?

How did children help the war effort?

Value Certificates

Congratulations to our Value Certificate winners this week for demonstrating our Cannon Park Values to others. Enjoyment was mentioned time and again during assembly and we’re sure we’ll see lots of enjoyment during our Children In Need activities today.

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